We are investigating reports of API failures for SMS and Voice Calls Wednesday 6th September 2023 09:19:00 America/Los_Angeles

We are investigating reports of timeout failures that are affecting SMS and Voice API requests. Update 10:22 am PST: This matter persists and we continue to investigate. Update 1:15 pm PST: We continue to investigate.

Monitoring complete. No new incidents observed.

Update 5:25 pm PST: Ytel engineers have resolved the matter and all systems are performing as expected. We will remain in a monitoring period for the next few hours.

Update 1:45 pm PST: This matter remains under active investigation at our highest priority. A majority of the errors are concentrated at the top of the hour, with sporadic failures thereafter. Customers will experience performance issues with number management, SMS, voice calls, the UI, and other functionality. We apologize for this inconvenience, thank you for your patience, and will provide updates as more information is made available.